ColorWings Butterfly Gardening Consultancy Service
If you want to create Butterfly Garden / Park at your premises , please contact us at +91- ( 9331596436) .
We all love this beautiful insect , Butterfly. We watch them flying .... We even take photos of them as it's a very beautiful subject. But among us very few are there who cares for them. Let us help them to live in this world of concrete. Let us create a place for them in our home also. It's not at all tough job. You just require little love for them. Even many from us do little bit of gardening in our home. Just plant few extra & few restrictions will invite them at your place .
Let's stay together. Let us create a butterfly Garden in every home.
Our Youtube Channel :
What is a butterfly garden?
It's a very normal garden which we see
at our home / parks / hotels / restaurants / residential complex ... etc , with some
extra plants which attracts butterflies where butterflies can lay eggs to complete their life cycle , where they roam flower to flower in daytime. An any size of land with few
plants , some restrictions & lots of love for the butterflies ,
creates a butterfly garden.
Benefits of Butterfly garden to nature :-
Due to use of
insecticides & chemical fertilizer at cultivated lands at village
areas , it has been observed that the concentration of butterflies is
increasing in city / suburbs & buffer zone of forest area. So , if
we can create some pockets in our cities for them , that will help them
in their existence . The pockets will consist some big parks along with
many small home gardens in the city.
The direct benefit is 'Butterfly Conservation' before their existence became threatened .
Butterflies are very important factor of food chain in Eco system. If butterfly increases , then many insects , spiders , birds , lizards , amphibians will get food & survive.
Butterflies are very important factor of food chain in Eco system. If butterfly increases , then many insects , spiders , birds , lizards , amphibians will get food & survive.
In now a days , new cities are encroaching green lands & the existence of many native plants of our country became threatened . Butterfly gardens requires native plants . So , as the indirect benefit will be ' Native Plants Conservation'.
Now a days kids , teenagers live their life in a robotic mechanical way. A butterfly garden will give them a chance to meet the nature closely & give fresh air to their mind along with practical study on the subject.
Please welcome to the world of butterflies ......